Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) involves removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen and tightening the muscles to improve the shape of the area.It is commonly performed to achieve a more defined waist and to improve the shape of areas which are often resistant to exercise and diet.

Depending on your body shape and individual requirements, sometimes the surgery may be extended around the back as  “body lift” procedure.

What are the common reasons for undergoing abdominoplasty operation?

With time, many factors can lead to loose and sagging skin and fat, as well as weakened and separated abdominal muscles. Some common factors leading to this may include:

  • Pregnancy.

  • Significant weight loss from exercise, diet or weight reduction surgery.

  • Previous surgery, which may lead to muscle weakness, separation or hernia formation.

What is removed in an abdominoplasty operation?

  • The procedure removes the excess tissue (often called a abdominal apron or “pannus”) which can cause skin irritation, rash, infections, difficulty with walking and exercise, and difficulty with cloth fitting.

  • It also restore a more natural appearance and contour of the abdomen.

  • It improve function of abdominal wall muscles and tightens the overlying muscle lining.

  • It is often combined with liposuction to achieve the best possible result.

What is involved in abdominoplasty surgery?

  • Surgery is performed in the operating theatre of a fully accredited hospital.

  • The operation generally takes 2-3 hours and is performed under a general anaesthetic.

  • A wedge of tissue (skin and fat) is removed from the lower abdomen.

  • Usually the abdominal wall muscles are tightened and any separation or hernia repaired.

  • Liposuction is often used during the surgery to improve the contour of the flanks and sometimes upper abdomen.

  • Surgical drains are frequently used.

What is the recovery after abdominoplasty surgery?

Patients usually require up to 4 nights in hospital.

  • Generally there will be some tightness and discomfort for the first 1-2 weeks.

  • We will see you within one week after discharge to check on the healing of your wound.

  • You should be able to perform most day to day activities after two weeks.

  • Most people allow 3-4 weeks off work; however, you may require additional time if your job is more physically demanding.

  • We recommend no heavy lifting/exercise for at least two weeks e.g. attending the gym, aerobics or running.

  • An abdominal garment is often fitted and used for the first six weeks for comfort and support.